Electronic signing of legal documents during COVID-19

New South Wales has introduced temporary legislation to allow for electronic signing during the COVID-19 crises under the Electronic Transactions Amendment (COVID-19 Witnessing of Documents) Regulation 2020  by using Audio Visual Links. What is an audio visual link? An Audio Visual Link is often referred to as AVL  and is simply any technology that enables […]

COVID-19 Restrictions from 30 March 2020

What can’t I do? You cannot without reasonable cause, leave your place of residence unless you are undertaking particular activities. Some reasonable excuses are: Legal obligations Obtaining food or other goods or services for personal needs of the of the household or household for a vulnerable person Travelling for the purposes of childcare Exercise Obtaining […]

FAQ and Tips for attending court

Attending court is a daunting and intimidating experience. We understand this at Catron Simmons Lawyers and we are here to assist you during this time. Here are some frequently asked questions and tips for attending court that we get asked often:   I have received a Court Attendance Notice, now what do I do? When […]

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